
Psalm 3


Truly I am weak.
Truly I am frail.
What use am I to you?
What use can my imperfections be to you?

Why does my sun darken with hurt?
Why is my skies painted with worry?
Why is my air polluted with trouble?
Why are the flowers coloured with death?

My heart is heavy
My head is low
My arms cry out in silence
My eyes are dried up


I know now
That in my time of trouble
In my moment of need
In the second that my heart is about to give in

That its not about Me
Its always been about you

How come I constantly forget
The prayer I pray over my life day after day
"that Your kingdom would come
& Your will be done
In My world, as it is in Yours"

Thank you Father
For not letting me slip too far off
That you allow me to allow myself
To slip away from you
But still just close enough for you to pull me back home

What could separate this endless love?
i love you,
i really do


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